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我们考虑设计统一稳定的一阶优化算法以最小化的问题。统一的稳定性通常用于获得优化算法的概括误差范围,我们对实现它的一般方法感兴趣。对于欧几里得的几何形状,我们建议采用黑盒转换,给定平滑的优化算法,它产生了算法的均匀稳定版本,同时将其收敛速率保持在对数因素上。使用此减少,我们获得了一种(几乎)最佳算法,以平滑优化,并通过收敛速率$ \ widetilde {o}(1/t^2)$和均匀的稳定性$ O(t^2/n)$,解决一个开放的问题Chen等。(2018);阿蒂亚和科伦(2021)。对于更一般的几何形状,我们开发了一种镜下下降的变体,以平滑优化,收敛速率$ \ widetilde {o}(1/t)$和统一的稳定性$ O(t/n)$(t/n)$,留下了开放的问题转换方法如欧几里得情况。
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我们研究了带有切换成本的土匪的最佳世界世界算法,最近由Rouyer,Seldin和Cesa-Bianchi提出,2021年。我们引入了一种令人惊讶的简单有效的算法}(t^{2/3})$在遗忘的对抗设置中,$ \ mathcal {o}(\ min \ {\ log(t)/\ delta^2,T^{2/3} \ \})$在随机约束的制度中,均具有(单位)切换成本,其中$ \ delta $是武器之间的差距。在随机限制的情况下,由于Rouyer等人,我们的界限比以前的结果得到了改善,这使$ \ Mathcal {o}(t^{1/3}/\ delta)$。我们伴随我们的结果,下限表明,通常,$ \ tilde {\ omega}(\ min \ {1/\ delta^2,t^{2/3} \})$遗憾是不可避免的。 - 具有$ \ mathcal {o}(t^{2/3})$ wort-case遗憾的算法的算法。
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我们考虑在随机凸成本和状态和成本函数的全部反馈下控制未知线性动力学系统的问题。我们提出了一种计算高效的算法,该算法与最佳的稳定线性控制器相比,该算法达到了最佳的$ \ sqrt {t} $遗憾。与以前的工作相反,我们的算法基于面对不确定性范式的乐观情绪。这导致了大大改善的计算复杂性和更简单的分析。
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我们研究随机梯度下降(SGD)在多大程度上被理解为“常规”学习规则,该规则通过获得良好的培训数据来实现概括性能。我们考虑基本的随机凸优化框架,其中(一通道,无需替代)SGD在经典上是众所周知的,可以最大程度地降低人口风险,以$ o(1/\ sqrt n)$ $ O(1/\ sqrt n)$,并且出人意料地证明,存在问题实例SGD解决方案既表现出$ \ omega(1)$的经验风险和概括差距。因此,事实证明,从任何意义上讲,SGD在算法上都不是稳定的,并且其概括能力不能通过均匀的收敛性或任何其他当前已知的概括性结合技术来解释(除了其经典分析外)。然后,我们继续分析与替代SGD密切相关的相关性,为此我们表明不会发生类似现象,并证明其人口风险实际上确实以最佳速度融合。最后,我们在没有替换SGD的背景下解释了我们的主要结果,用于有限的和凸优化问题,并得出多上类别制度的上限和下限,从而在先前已知的结果上有了显着改善。
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我们考虑随着延迟梯度的随机优化,在每次步骤$ $,该算法使用步骤$ t-d_t $的陈旧随机梯度进行更新,从而为某些任意延迟$ d_t $。此设置摘要异步分布式优化,其中中央服务器接收由工作人员计算的渐变更新。这些机器可以体验可能随时间变化而变化的计算和通信负载。在一般的非凸平滑优化设置中,我们提供了一种简单且高效的算法,需要$ o(\ sigma ^ 2 / \ epsilon ^ 4 + \ tau / epsilon ^ 2)$步骤查找$ \ epsilon $ - 静止点$ x $,其中$ \ tau $是\ emph {平均}延迟$ \ smash {\ frac {1} {t} \ sum_ {t = 1} ^ t d_t} $和$ \ sigma ^ 2 $是随机梯度的方差。这改善了以前的工作,这表明随机梯度体面可以实现相同的速率,而是相对于\ emph {maximal}延迟$ \ max_ {t} d_t $,这可以显着大于平均延迟,特别是在异构分布式系统中。我们的实验证明了我们算法在延迟分布歪斜或重尾的情况下的效力和稳健性。
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Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems frequently use a search-based decoding strategy aiming to find the best attainable transcript by considering multiple candidates. One prominent speech recognition decoding heuristic is beam search, which seeks the transcript with the greatest likelihood computed using the predicted distribution. While showing substantial performance gains in various tasks, beam search loses some of its effectiveness when the predicted probabilities are highly confident, i.e., the predicted distribution is massed for a single or very few classes. We show that recently proposed Self-Supervised Learning (SSL)-based ASR models tend to yield exceptionally confident predictions that may hamper beam search from truly considering a diverse set of candidates. We perform a layer analysis to reveal and visualize how predictions evolve, and propose a decoding procedure that improves the performance of fine-tuned ASR models. Our proposed approach does not require further training beyond the original fine-tuning, nor additional model parameters. In fact, we find that our proposed method requires significantly less inference computation than current approaches. We propose aggregating the top M layers, potentially leveraging useful information encoded in intermediate layers, and relaxing model confidence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by conducting an empirical study on varying amounts of labeled resources and different model sizes, showing consistent improvements in particular when applied to low-resource scenarios.
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We study the ability of foundation models to learn representations for classification that are transferable to new, unseen classes. Recent results in the literature show that representations learned by a single classifier over many classes are competitive on few-shot learning problems with representations learned by special-purpose algorithms designed for such problems. We offer an explanation for this phenomenon based on the concept of class-features variability collapse, which refers to the training dynamics of deep classification networks where the feature embeddings of samples belonging to the same class tend to concentrate around their class means. More specifically, we examine the few-shot error of the learned feature map, which is the classification error of the nearest class-center classifier using centers learned from a small number of random samples from each class. Assuming that the classes appearing in the data are selected independently from a distribution, we show that the few-shot error generalizes from the training data to unseen test data, and we provide an upper bound on the expected few-shot error for new classes (selected from the same distribution) using the average few-shot error for the source classes. Additionally, we show that the few-shot error on the training data can be upper bounded using the degree of class-features variability collapse. This suggests that foundation models can provide feature maps that are transferable to new downstream tasks even with limited data available.
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